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Testing the Waters

15 August, 2016
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During the August heat, all we want to do is escape the insanely high temperatures and humidity by throwing on our trunks and bikinis to go for a swim. Instantly refreshing, crystal clear pools and breezy beaches beckon us to dive right in. All of that chlorine and salt water builds up in our hair, so how do we prevent hair damage from summertime pool and ocean swimming? Here are our tips for summertime hair care.

Protect prior to getting wet.

testing the water how to prevent hair damageSummer swimming enthusiasts should know that both chlorine and saltwater dry out the hair by depleting the scalp’s natural oils, which are essential for healthy hair. To protect against this type of damage, we recommend the following regimen:

  • At pools equipped with showers, rinse your hair before swimming. Dry hair soaks up chlorine like a sponge, so if your hair is damp with purified water, it won’t soak in chlorine as easily. If you’re at the beach bring a spritzer bottle filled with water.
  • Pool-goers should also pre-treat their hair with a light application of coconut oil to prevent chlorine absorption prior to every swim.
  • Beach-goers should pack their bags with a leave-in conditioner to use throughout the day, especially after swimming.

Be sure to cleanse.

testing the waters how to prevent hair damageIt’s important to keep your hair clean post-swim, as it becomes grimy from chlorine, salt, sand, and sweat. Once your hair dries with all of that gunk in it, it’s practically impossible to detangle, making it vulnerable to breakage and shedding. Try these tips:

  • Make sure to wash your hair after a day at the pool or beach with a bit of gentle shampoo. This will get rid of build up without drying out your hair and scalp.
  • Use a shampoo that’s free of harsh chemicals, which can further damage your hair – our sulfate-free Follicle Forever® Strengthening Shampoo is a terrific choice.
  • Even if you don´t wash your hair right after swimming, rinse it with cold, fresh water. Chlorine and other drying chemicals that are lingering will do more damage if left in for long periods of time.

Don’t be colorblind.

testing the waters how to prevent hair damageColor-treated blondes turn ashy while brunettes become brassy during the summer. This is due to melanin-damaging UV rays and chlorine that alter and fade hair color. Protect your hair (and your investment) with these methods:

  • To prevent hair from turning icky chlorine green, dissolve 6-8 aspirin in a glass of warm water and then apply to hair, leaving it in for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing.
  • Spray your strands with a DIY mixture of conditioner and cold water (our Follicle Forever® Thickening Conditioner works wonders).
  • Keeping colored hair out of the sun altogether by wearing a swimming cap is the best way to make sure your hair stays gorgeous and damage free. Be sure to apply a generous amount of conditioner to hair before donning the cap.

Be gentle.

Testing the Waters how to prevent hair damageYour hair is particularly fragile both during and after a day at the pool or beach, so it’s important to adhere to the following:

  • Don’t brush your hair right after a swim; instead use a wide tooth comb to give it a break. This will detangle your hair without any added stress or breakage.
  • Don’t pull your hair back into a super tight ponytail, especially when wet. This stress pulls the hair, which leads to breakage and depleted elasticity.
  • If you must blow dry your hair once at home, set the dryer at its lowest temperature and add its diffusing attachment.


Use these tips on how to prevent hair damage due to swimming pools and ocean water to help save your hair this season. And if you have any tips or tricks of your own, please share them in the comments section below!

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