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Our Laundry List for Longer Hair

30 September, 2016
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It seems as if everyone’s doing it: growing out their hair, that is. Women and men alike are going for longer lengths not seen since the Seventies. And whether you’re going from a short crop to shoulder length, or long to longest, it’s important to keep hair in peak condition that’s conducive to healthy growth. Here are our top tips to help you get growing.

A healthy scalp equals healthy hair.

Our hair is similar to a garden in that the soil and roots must be carefully tended to in order for the garden to grow. Thus a clean, healthy scalp is essential for healthy hair growth. Renessence Follicle Forever® Strengthening Shampoo is a gentle cleanser that removes harmful debris from the scalp and hair – dead cells, oil, sebum, product buildup, which can eventually strangle the follicle – paving the way for healthy regrowth.

Three words: cold water rinse.

Our laundry list for longer hair

Sure, we all love a nice hot shower, especially on chilly autumn mornings. However, when it comes time to rinse away shampoo and conditioner turn the temperature down to cool or cold. This prevents moisture loss and results in shinier, healthier-looking hair. And don’t worry about the shock factor, just a few seconds will do.

Condition after every shampoo.

Our laundry list for longer hairNo matter what kind of hair you have, using a conditioner after cleansing is an important part of your daily hair care routine. It seals the cuticle, which keeps moisture in the hair shaft for a longer period of time, resulting in hair that’s softer, more manageable and less prone to breakage. Our lightweight Follicle Forever Conditioner increases volume, shine and manageability, with follicles rejuvenated and prepped for renewal and regrowth.

Toss the towel.

Our laundry list for longer hair

That massive towel you wrap around your hair to dry while enjoying your morning coffee may actually be preventing healthy growth. Wrapping a towel too tightly around your face can cause fragile, newly cleansed strands to split and break.  Instead, gently but firmly pat excess moisture out of your hair with the towel, eliminating any unnecessary tugging and pulling.

Brush Gently.

Our laundry list for longer hairDO NOT brush your hair after cleansing as the wet strand is at its most fragile in this state. Instead use a wide tooth comb to detangle and smooth. Once your hair has then dried a bit more (it can be damp), it’s safe to use a brush. And speaking of brushes, we recommend a natural, boar bristle brush. It’s pricier than your drugstore variety hairbrush, however, your beautiful, healthy hair will thank you.

Au naturel.

Loose and natural hair is the trend we like for fall (any season, actually), and whether yours is curly or stick straight, an unfussy style will allow your hair to grow out strong and damage-free. Think sexy beach waves all year long or a luscious bedhead-y lob. Walk away from excessive styling products such as gels and sprays, along with heated styling tools, which can lead to dry, brittle hair with – you got it – breakage.

No junk food.

Our laundry list for longer hairOf course we all have our moments with Big Macs, pizza, and candy bars, but that should never be the norm.  We’re here to tell you that eating healthy, nutritious food has endless benefits, one being enhanced hair condition and growth. It’s all about a balanced diet, with lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, and a minimum of sodium and sugar. Your body, mind, and every hair strand on your head will feel and look better thanks to healthier eating habits.

Silky smooth.

Our laundry list for longer hair

Wake up without ratty, tangled hair by switching from cotton to silk pillowcases. The softer silk surface won’t cause friction on your hair like cotton does, which can tangle and lead to hair breakage. And the less breakage, the closer you are to gorgeous hair growth.  Another great nighttime ritual? Renessence Follicle Forever® Renewal Serum promotes hair health and renewal at the molecular level for resurrection and maintenance of hair growth.