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Halloween Hair 2016

25 October, 2016
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Dressing up in costume and trick or treating on Halloween is one of the highlights of childhood, second only to Christmas morning for many. But it’s never been exclusive to the 12-and-under set because dressing up and going out for a day/night on the town is also big fun for adults. With no shortage of opportunities to transform ourselves – at work, the neighborhood bar, masquerade parties – below are some of our favorite grown-up costume ideas where getting the hair right, and how to do it, is a critical component.

Halloween Hair 2016
Halloween Hair 2016

Fashionable Halloween Hair

Beyoncé in Formation – Queen Bey’s internet-breaking double Dutch braids aren’t as hard to create as you might think. Grab a section of hair from the top of your head, separate into three equal portions, and braid the portions under each other instead of weaving them over. As you go down, introduce more hair from the rest of your head until you’ve included it all and reach the bottom.  Add big black hat, fake jewels and MAJOR attitude.

Halloween Hair 2016
Halloween Hair 2016

Retro Halloween Hair

Danny & Sandy from Grease – This year’s FOX live reboot of the classic movie about everyone’s favorite ‘50s couple gave new life to these fun-to-dress-up-as characters. All the guys need for Travolta’s pompadour-ed ducktail is a lot of pomade and a thick head of hair, while Olivia Newton-John’s bad girl, big blonde ‘do is all about hot rollers and an enormous can of hair spray!

Halloween Hair 2016

Remember, the best way to remove all the good time goop and ensure your hair looks great every day of the year is with Renessence Follicle Forever Strengthening Shampoo and Follicle Forever Thickening Conditioner.