5 Ways to Improve Aging & Thinning Hair

28 April, 2016
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Whether you’re a woman or a man, aging and thinning hair is most likely a fact of life. As we go through the aging process, hair loses its luster, literally, in various ways from changes in hair texture to the more serious alopecia areata, the condition that leads to permanent hair loss. To get fuller, thicker-looking hair we offer you five of our favorite hair health and styling tips:

Keep it clean.
Clean hair and scalp are very important to improve the appearance of thinning hair. Shampoo frequently ensuring that you begin at the scalp and lather from the roots to the ends vertically, as circular motions can cause breakage. Our Follicle Forever Strengthening Shampoo is a gentle, yet thorough, cleanser that can be used daily.

Style with a light hand.
Keep the amount of products you use to style to a minimum and choose lightweight formulas, as heavier gels and pomades will weigh your hair down. Mousses and thickening sprays tend to work best and remember to keep your blow dryer on a low heat setting to avoid over drying delicate hair.

See your stylist regularly.
Aging and thinning hair will not only look healthier, but can appear fuller and thicker when you have it cut on a regular basis. Keep ragged, split ends trimmed and as far as length is concerned, shorter is always better with shoulder length and above for women, closely cropped for the guys.

Watch what you eat.
What you put in your stomach can be as important as what you put on your hair. Seafood such as salmon, fresh tuna, oysters and sardines are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, healthy fats our bodies can’t produce on their own and which help grow healthy hair that’s full and shiny.

Take a daily Biotin supplement.
Biotin is a B-vitamin that strengthens the hair as it intensifies new growth via follicle nourishment. Easy to find at any supermarket or vitamin store, it’s an excellent choice if you’re not receiving optimum nutritional benefits from the foods you eat. And if you are a healthy eater, biotin will only enhance the results.